Green Walls, Rooftops & Vertical Gardens

Isn’t the idea of greenery around you fascinating? Making it a part of your everyday life is refreshing and calming. Clients choose Plant Image for our landscape design solutions because of the quality of service, price and design.

Green walls and vertical garden designs by Plant Image not only provide a beautiful environment but also promotes positive mental health.


Application Area

Our superb range of UV Walls, UV Plants, Vertical Gardens, Frames and Planter Boxes are suitable for most application areas. With innovation and the right application, we add charm to your space.

A rooftop, hanging garden, your terrace garden or just a plane wall, our gardeners can concoct a spellbinding view for you. And according to our client’s reviews wall garden creates a royal and pleasing ambiance.

Our UV Plants are extremely lifelike, modular, of high quality and low cost of care, leading to improved sustainability and project spend.

Plant Image has successfully delivered Indoor & Outdoor solutions Australia-wide for various project specifications.

Designed to last. Inspired by Nature.


Rooftop Garden


Green Walls, UV Walls, Vertical Garden Frames



Product Category


UV Wall Tiles

Vertical Garden Round Frames

Service Category


Rooftop Garden

UV Walls

Client Requirement


Green walls

Reduced maintenance costs



Location Various